🔎 January Roundup

🔎 January Roundup
Photo by Isaac Smith / Unsplash

Hey friends! January has long passed and I thought I should share some of the crazy things that had happened in the past month. This could be a nice monthly thing where I share my reflections for the month or cool things I discovered. Anyway, here it goes!

Cool Stuff I Discovered this Month

🎒 Physical Stuff

✍️ Articles / Blog Posts/Websites

🔧 Apps/Tools

📚 Books

🎬 Youtube Channels / Videos / Films / Series



  • In the Heights (2021 Film)
  • Encanto (2021)
  • Hawkeye (2021 TV Series)


  • Schitt's Creek (Netflix)

🎵 Music/Artists/Playlists




Monthly Reflection

My monthly journal entry on stoic.

Start with a one sentence summary of this month.

If there was a word that could adequately capture the uncertainty of life—how it could excite and crush us beyond belief, that would be January.

What photo represents this month?

The world is burning, everyone has COVID, we're all in quarantine and have a s*** ton of things to do, but we're here. Living life like it isn't crashing down before us.

Describe this month in more detail as if you were a journalist.

Okay so we started this year with our hopes held high. New Year + the holiday break + COVID cases were low = life is looking up! But no, you thought wrong because here comes January 3. It’s been waiting until this day to suckerpunch your face and shove anxiety and post-holiday regret down your throat.

Now, all you could think about is how foolish you were to spend all your time during the holidays to have fun instead of being a productive robot as you should have. Anyway, we need to keep going. I mean it shouldn’t get any worse than this haha. 2022 shouldn’t be that mean right? WRONG.

Remember that pandemic thing? Yeah the COVID one, it’s uh..back. Yup. We’re getting our booster shots though so we should be fine but expect 90% of the people you know to be sick in the next couple of weeks. You’re all gonna be in quarantine, we’ll run out of paracetamol, but it’s fine we’ll be entertained by everyone’s “Top 10 movies/songs to get to know me.”

The schools are being extra nice though since they gave us two weeks of health break. So while we all sit here in isolation we have all this time alone…with our thoughts…and “feelings.” Who knew how deep-rooted my fears were. Thanks to Encanto, my fears of inadequacy have resurfaced (kidding). Good movie though, I almost cried.

But what do I do with all these free time? DRAW!! Yeah, I got back into drawing. That was awesome. Then I read some books (finished 4 of them) and I was journaling more than ever. Even motivated myself enough to do the 30 Days to Better Habits Challenge! Apparently I’m now someone who reads everyday, stays active, organizes her day, and tracks her expenses regularly. WHO IS SHE??? LOL. These are nice things right?

The year may have started terribly but it has opened a ton of other opportunities to practice mindfulness, creativity and compassion. From now on, I expect nothing but more twists and turns in February. Fate will act as it wishes and there’s nothing we can do to control it. The present moment is all we have.

Art & Photo Dump

My Monthly Stats

That's all! Thanks for reading!